4 Tough and Smart Dating Tips for Women

Four Tough and Smart Dating Tips for Women

The problem for women online, isn't attracting men. You're going to attract men with a blurry picture and a “derp” in your bio. The issue is attracting the right kind of men, and that takes finesse, and a little work. If you look around online to find the best dating tips for women, they'll tell you generic information on how to craft the best profile to attract men. The problem with that trainwreck of logic is that you don't need any help attracting men. Unless you're completely putting people off by sounding shrewish and judgmental, and then you will still likely attract men, but they might email asking you if you're into sodomizing them with a strap-on, which is actually much more common than you would think, and of course perfectly fine if you are.

4 Best Dating Tips for Online Dating for Women

(1) Don't be Afraid to Initiate Contact

One of the best online dating tips I can give women is don't be afraid to initiate contact. With all the crappy “hey babe” emails you're likely to receive, your best bet is to trim the fat and go after what you like. Generally, the best part of online dating is going through the profiles and finding people you're interested in, but you know what you want (or at least some of us do) and what sparks your interest and what doesn't. So, if you see someone you like, don't automatically expect that they're going to notice you noticed them and make a move. Most men appreciate being approached by a woman.

(2) Don't List off What You Don't Want

When you do this, you put people off, and it's likely a subtle unconscious form of self-sabotage. There are literally an infinite number of things that any particular person doesn't want, but, on the other hand, there are a finite number of things that people do want. This makes it much easier to list them, and it's much more attractive to someone you're interested in to know they have qualities you find attractive. It is unnecessary to tell people you're not interested in basement monsters or creepers. You're just asking for some guy to email you asking if you like giving it up the ass with a strap-on.

(3) Make Reasonable Choices with Photos

Group photos suck. Photos with your kids suck. Photos you took with your boyfriend and then cut out the boyfriend suck. Photos from 5 years ago suck. Photos with your dog and or cat suck. A laptop headshot is good. Selfies work if you can make them work. They never work for guys, only girls. You are going to want to include at least one recent picture of you that includes all of you, and not just your face. Guys will be attracted to your body and they if you post only head shots and you get there and they're not into you, it's going to be disappointing for you and them.

(4) Be Relatively Safe

You don't have to ask for your date's social security number and a copy of their driver's license, but a smart move would be to tell a friend you're going on a date and to check in with them after in case things go sideways.